NURSES SHOW LIVE What about fun?
A Self-Help and Stress Reduction Program
Stress is a critical dilemma that affects nurses not only as individuals but as professionals. The effects range from job dissatisfaction to leaving the profession completely and untimely. Stress may also be the cause of injuries sustained on the job as well as the most serious preventable accidents in healthcare. The proposed solution involves stress prevention at the workplace and has proven particularly effective in combating stress by attacking its roots and causes.
Nurses Show Live is a Self-Help and Stress Reduction Program that addresses the problems facing nurses in the course of their personal lives and at the workplace. This program is intended for a one-day nurse’s show which will combine both continuing educations intertwined with a live entertainment performance and exhibits.
“What about Fun?” is not only an invitation but empowerment and encouragement for nurses to pause and re-evaluate their own self goals, not only to become savvy and competitive but well-rounded, well-preserved individuals.
Happy Spring greetings.
We celebrated Nurses Week this May 6-12, 2010 with our second Nurses Show Live What about fun?
We celebrate the beauty of spring with a cultural show, gifts, souvenirs and fun,
as well as the commemoration of the Centennial of Florence Nightingale's birthday.
Pandibulan, (bathing by moonlight) is a cultural presentation of dances, music and folktales on a new evidenced based concept in “The role of ancestral arts & culture in healing” by a Nurse Artist: Potri Ranka Manis, MA, RN.
The event took place May 2, 2010 (Sunday) 1:00 -5:00 pm at the La Mama Theater, 74 A East 4th St NYC (between 2nd Avenue & Bowery)
Brought to you by Mickey and Friends from Walt Disney Vacation Club & RN Financials.