Founder & Chief Nurse
GREETINGS: A Heart-to-Heart Dedication
My sincerest greetings to you.
I would like to dedicate this Nursing Office to the memory of my parents, Oscar and Marcelina, from whom I learned about life; my colleagues who made me a professional nurse; my family and friends who gave me all the support to do the things I love, especially my children, Richard, Mary and Robert who have sacrificed and missed me so much; my husband Roberto, who parented my children in my absence; to my patients who have trusted me to care for them and from whom I have learned so much about life in its weakest moments; and foremost, my God who provides me the strength, courage and guidance to this path where any nurse fear to tread on their own for the fears of ridicule, jealousy, conflict and doubt.
~ Myrna D. Santos, MSN, RN (2007)
Curriculum Vitae
Myrna D Santos, MSN, RN
A Leader, Educator, Mentor and Nurse Advocate
Critical Care RN, Community & Public Health Nurse Advocate
Philantropist,Author, Executive Producing Director-Purple Pillars Production, Peoples Theater
Promotion of a transformed culture of the Modern Nightingale
Resolution of the global nursing shortage
Taking care of nurses
Taking care of communities promoting community and public health
To influence the transformation of the culture and lifestyle of nurses.
To transform healthcare through Nurse-Driven Healthcare Solutions: The Nurse is IN
I appreciate the dedication, passion and service of every nurse. I recognize their contribution to the global healthcare. I believe and support the individual and group efforts of nurses towards holistic life. I value all nurses and recognize the need to meet their basic needs: physical, spiritual, mental, social and financial so they can be freed of burden to unselfishly give service to the community.
I respect man’s dignity and autonomy toward the right to self-direction and self-preservation.
2010 up to the present Ongoing Research on Community and Public Health
"How to Deliver Healthcare to a Million People: Changing the Landscape of Healthcare in Asia"
2004- 2006-- Master of Science in Nursing
University of Phoenix Online
1971- 1976 –Bachelor of Science in Nursing
University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines
- 2016-present-Managing Director, Philippine Community Center Services for Aging
- 2016-present-Managing Director, Divine Child Foundation
- 2006-to present-Chief Nurse Executive,The Nursing Office.Com
- VANA Faculty (VA Nursing Academy and Pace University, NY)2010
- Preceptor: Wagner College BSN Clinical ICU experience
- Basic Life Support Program Manager
- ACLS Instructor
- Presenter – ICU Best Practice 2004 – Nursing Practice Committee for the Harbor
- 1988 -present -Nurse Clinician ICU, New York Harbor Healthcare System
- 1979 -1985 - Staff Nurse PACU, Mt Sinai Medical Center of Greater Miami
- 1977 -1979 -Staff RN ICU- CCU, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines
Entrepreneurial/ Special Projects:
- 2007 The Nurses Show Live: A Self-Help and Stress Reduction Program for Nurses
- 2010 The Unsung Heroes of Nightingale Award
- 2013 The Coming of the Cross and Sword ( Ang Pagdating ng Krus at Espada)Jersey City Musem
- 2014 Honoring Our Roots (Pagbabalik Parangal) La Mama Theater, NYC
- 2014 Splendor Splendid (Philippines Fine Collections)
- 2015 The Coming of the Cross and the Sword (Kalayaan Hall, NYC Oct.2, 2015)
- 2016 Rajah Humabon(Pinoy version of The King & I)Cathedral High School, NYC, June 11, 2016
- June11,2016 People Theaters Award
- The Junior Seniors Prom 2018
- 2019 Thirty One Salutes to Nursing
- 2022 Las Islas Filipinas March/124th Celebration of Philippine Independence Day Parade (Winner, Second Runner Up)
- Asian Gigolo
Chief Nurse Executive:
The Nursing Office.Com
Four Dragon Global Network, Inc.
Philippine Community Center Services for Aging
Founder/ Executive Editor/ Publisher
- The Filipino Nurse Magazine
- The Modern Nightingale Magazine
- The Nursing Office. Com
- The Immigrant Filipino
- RN Financials: Money Made Easy for Nurses
- DOLORES: The Colors of Pain/Breaking through Pain
- Chief Executive Producing Director: Zarzuela Filipina
- Purple Pillars Production Journal
- Las Islas Filipinas Journal
- Dragon Gallery New York
- Mano Po
- Dancing with Kinding Sindaw
Book: Co-Author/The Legends Rising
Special Awards:
- 2001 Recipient Suggestion Award, Department of Veterans Affairs
- 2002 Appreciation Award: Wagner College
- 2003 Special Contribution Award – VA- NYHHS
- 2010 Certificate of Appreciation (2010 Cultural Diversity Day) VA-NYHHS
- 2010 National Winner, BAGNC Video Award: "A Day in the Life of a Gerontological Nurse"
- 2014 Service Award, Department of Veterans Affairs, NYHHS
Committees and Professional Organization (Past):
- Member - Philippine Nurses Association of America
- Member -UAN – NYSNA NYC Chapter
- Member- National Nurses in Business Association
- Member-USTAA (University of Santo Tomas
- National Association of Professional Women
- Board Member—Philippine Nurses Association of NY (2008-2011)
- Board Member---Kalusugan Coalition, NY
- Member-PPSEAWA (Pan Pacific Southeast Asian Women Association)2015-2016
Special Assignments
- Publicist/Kinding Sindaw
- Changing the Landscape of Healthcare in the Philippines
- Access Healthcare Asia
- A Salute to the Philippines as a NurseNation Providing Nurses for the International Community
- Photo Journalist as myRNphotoimages
- Writer/ Journalist
- Publicist/ Biographer: Dr. Zal Velez " The Soldier's Mind"
- Publicist/ Biographer: Kitty Lin" Growing Backwards"
- Publicist/Biographer: Consuelo Almonte " Refusing to Sink"
- Publicist/Biographer: Marcos Panlilio " The Monkey Chase"
- Publicist/Biographer: Lutgarda Resurreccion"The Wizard of Lut"
- The Legends Rising (Unending Faith)The Story of Irene Lumbrera
- Publicist/Biographer: Jeffrey Loreto Abatayo "Engineering God's Plan"
- The Road Less Taken: A Nursing Journal by Myrna D. Santos, MSN, RN
Master Web Designer
Administrator/Bloger (FaceBook)
- The Nursing Office.Com
- The Nurse is IN
- Dragon Gallery New York
- Philippine Community Center Services for Aging
- Las Islas Filipinas.Org
- Health is Wealth with Forever Living Products
- Health and Wellness Circle
- Kindness Channel
- Philippines Nurse Nation
- Nursing Ministry & Chaplaincy
- COVID LINE (Research)
- The Poor Man's Kitchen
- De Jesus-Dominguez: A Family Roll Call
Other Studies and Projects on Nursing
- Exhibit: A Salute to the Philippines as a Nurse Nation providing nurses for the international community
- Nurse Driven Healthcare Solutions
- Redefining the Arts in Nursing: Intelligent Practice of Nursing Art & Science
- Nurse Centered Approach to Evidence-Based Practice
- The Theory of Self-Preservation in Nursing
- Studies on providing clinical experiences to new graduates and non-practicing nurses returning to professional nursing practice
- Nurses with Autistic Children: Bring In The Genius
- The role of Ancestral Arts and Culture in Nursing
- DOLORES: The Colors of Pain/Breaking through Pain
- Nursing Chaplaincy and Ministry: Unfolding Human Nature to a Higher Conciousness
- Financial Education Program for nurses
- Strategies for the resolution of nursing shortage
- Back to Back: A Safe Patient Handling
- Promotion of health education and community health(Health Literacy)
- Community Approach to Mental health
- Increasing Nurses visibility in public and communities (Nurses Walk-the-Talk)
- The Nurse is IN: A Model of Community and Public Health Delivery System
- The Nurse is IN: A Business Model for Nurses
- Extended Arts: Safe Haven for Creativity
- Delivering a Culturally Competent Care
- Emotional Intelligence: Non-Reactive Objectivity to a Unique Subject
- Residency Program in Community and Public Health
- Tracing the Dollars: Nursing Economics & Healthcare Cost
- Corazon Gatchalian, CRNA, RN (Nurses Care: Ministry of Holy Eucharist)
- Joy Abraham, NP, RN (TEA International)
- Nilda Berguido, RN (Retired Fulbright Scholar)
- Potri Ranka Manis Queano Nur, MA, RN (Kinding Sindaw; Kalusugan Coalition)
- Senen Cabalfin, MSN, RN (Special Care Community Services)
- Yolanda Nurse, MSA, RN
- Herminigilda Sambajon, RN (Banig sa Bood Foundation)
To mobilize nurses out of their comfort zones and embrace changes driven by a highly technical, multicultural,
and corporate civilization of the twenty first century. Until then, I shall remain at the service of nurses and the community.
Thank you.
- One on One Strategic Planning
- Community Organizing
- Business Development
- Program Development
- Coaching & Mentoring
- Advocacy
- Consultancy
Clarita Miraflor Congratulations on your wonderful and impressive Nursing Office website. I am very proud of your accomplishments and in awe of your audacity, courage and spiritual drive to promote Nursing Office's Visions and Missions !! Take care:)
Sajid Khan (Author, "How to become wise"),
"I am proud to know you" (Jan.23,2015)
"My standards became higher because of you, my mentors".
~John Joseph Thater, Volunteer (2018)
The Producer's Profile
Born Myrna Dominguez from the Philippines, I graduated with Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Santo Tomas in Manila, in 1976. I immigrated to the US in 1979 and worked as a staff nurse in Oncology at the Mt. Sinai Hospital, Miami Beach, Fl. I relocated to NY in 1988 and worked as an ICU staff nurse at the Brooklyn VA Medical Center up to the present. I graduated with a Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Phoenix Online on September 11, 2006, through a scholarship program.
With thirty years of nursing background and association with nurses, I have determined their special needs. I believe in the role of stress as one of the greatest factors that have affected not only their personal lives, but their professional practices as well. I designed a Self-Help and Stress Reduction Program and produces the NURSES SHOW LIVE! as a venue to give back to nursing and influence the profession I love so much. I also believe that holistic approaches to wellness should be lived by nurses before they can teach them and that they should be freed from any physical, mental, emotional, social, and financial elements before they can serve others unselfishly.
In the Company of Wise Men: My Mentors and Life Coaches
My Collaborators
Cultivating a Beautiful Mind
- "Any person coming into this Nursing Office should feel the touch of human kindness in any many ways.”
- Do the best and right thing without conflicting interest.
- Treat everyone equally and fairly.
- When you quit thinking of the past and angry thoughts, they deteriorate. Goodbye, old thoughts“!
- Do something that matters, no matter what.
"I DEFY RULES with reason: Creativity is my Game; Flexibility is the keyword;
I am Fully Aware of what's Now, I am not Scared of the Future;
No FEAR I have,"Carpe Diem", A Metanoia in action, A "Method in my Madness"
I am who I am,"
Chief Nurse, The Nursing Office
Chief Executive Officer, Four Dragon Global Network, Inc.
The Way We Were
Casti High