Please Join Us :
Shared Mission, Shared Governance, Shared Resources
The Nursing Office.Com is your very own. Please join us in all our initiatives and efforts to promote nurses, serve nurses, take care of nurses and communities. If we will not do these, who will? This office is about us, by us, and for us. Please come in. We speak the same language of caring, we speak the nursing language. Welcome home.
VISION 2030 CURRENT AGENDA: "Living the Science: Letting creativity flow"
Let us make the most of our time; our goal is to keep our focus on the things that matter and guided by the highest priority. I may not be able to give you a daily Agenda, but we must be ready for anything that comes. We will not stress out by the amount of work to be done but the quality of decisions we make, our programs, our services and all of the things that we are. We maintain a "method in our madness". We are not a typical 9-5 operation. We own this enterprise, we have a Mission. We are always OPEN.
Four Dragon Global Network Empirical Domains to Programs, Services and Sustainability. Soar with the Dragons!
- Professional Business Ethics
- The Ethics of Money
Business Development
Event Planning
Services for Non-Profits/Sustainability of Non-Profits
General Agenda of Programs and Services:
I The NOTCH (The Nursing Office Technical Cybernetics in Healthcare)
- USMedicare Philippines
- Nurse Driven Healthcare Solutions: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcar
- Access Healthcare Asia (AHA)
II Gentle Hammers (Nurse Driven Housing Solutions)
- Nostalgia Project 2023
- 52 Georgian Ct (Title, Incorporate,Insurance*, Plan, Clean Up, Sales )
- Real Estates & Acquisitions
III RNFinancials (Estates Planning & Sustainability)
- Financial Literacy
IV The Nursing Office.Com Shared Vision, Shared Mission, Shared Resources
- Office Management ( Home Living, Office Sharing, Book Keeping, Year-End Reports)
- The Nursing Office Foundation (non-profit 501 C-3 app)
- PCCSA (NPC App 501 C-3, Board Member Drive, Database for CC)
- Mano Po Journal Publication & Marketing
- Senior Care Services
- Homecare & CDPAP
- 1-800 taxes(Recording/Bookkeeping)
- Will & Testament, Trusts
- WOMB Program (Women Owned and Minority Business)
V Four Dragon Global Network Marketing & Public Relations For:
- Diabetes Health and Wellness Academy
- The Nursing Office Foundation (
- Philippine Community Center Services for Aging
- 4th R Foundation
- Heart at Play Foundation
- Sandiwaan Learning Center
- Sustainability (Fund Raising-Fund Sharing)
- Forever Living Products
VI Nursing Ministry & Chaplaincy
- Divine Child Foundation BP (501 c3)
VII Nursing Arts & Science
- Dragon Gallery
- CAMP (Community Approach to Mental Health Program)
- A Salute to the Philippines as a Nurse Nation Providing Nurses for the International Community
- The Living Science of Nursing
IX Entertainment & Events
- Founder's Day (Sept 4-10)
- BOSS (Oct. 23/24, 2019)
- 31 Salutes to Nursing (Oct 25, 2019)
- Junior Seniors Prom 2018/ 2019
- Cross & Sword Play (Oct, 2018, January 2020)
- God Made, Man Made(2021)
X Las Islas Filipinas & Purple Pillars Production
- Off Broadway: Asian Gigolo
- Philippine Independence Day Parade (PIDCI)
- Zarzuela, Tertulia
"I DEFY RULES with reason: Creativity is my Game; Flexibility is the keyword;
I am Fully Aware of what's Now, I am not Scared of the Future;
No FEAR I have,"Carpe Diem", A Metanoia in action, A "Method in my Madness"
I am who I am,"
Chief Nurse, The Nursing Office
Chief Executive Officer, Four Dragon Global Network, Inc.
Office Management: Project & Program Management
As the size and complexity of our work grows, we need project management skills to keep things under control. Approaching a complex task from a project management perspective will bring a level of clarity and organization to it that we otherwise may not have. This can greatly improve the quality of our work, while also reducing stress levels by ensuring we’re able to keep track of all the complex moving parts of a project.
When starting a new project, determining if it needs a project management approach can help us ensure our ability to handle its twists, turns, and complexities. Project management involves looking over the scope of a project and breaking it out into multiple smaller parts. Doing so allows us to think through the steps involved and have a good plan from the start. This lets you consider problems that might arise in advance, and estimate accurate timelines, budgets, and much more.
House Rules
- Mission & Goal Focused
- Commitment to Privacy
- Professional Team Approach
- Project Oriented
- Stress Free, Excitement & Fun
- Flexibility
How do we get it done? Productivity tips:
- Keep the Agenda
- Keep positive energy, agree to disagree and disagree to agree
- Courteous, respect and kindness
- No egos allowed
- Manage Time
- Encourage Creativity
- Organize
- Prioritize & Plan Ahead
- Delegate
Our Bulletin Board
Our Virtual Office
WELCOME to NYC Corporate Office at 75 Maiden Lane, NYC.
In lieu of the COVID 19 Pandemic, we are online for members only until further notice:
Strategic Planning 2020-2030
- Pioneering Inclusion of AI in Global Community Health Delivery
- Publication of "The Legends Rising"
- Strengthen organizational structure
- Strengthen corporate structure
- Home Living (Concept & Program)*
- Corporate Setting- NPC*
- Maximize use of Space/ Community Center
- Electronic Approach to Journals & Publications
- Sustainability & Moving On/Organize Fund Raising Team
- Strengthen collaboration/Diabetes Health & Wellness and other NPC
- Organize Marketing & Advertising Panel (FDGN Martketing)
- EVENT Production
- Internet Based Social Media Marketing
- Extend Board Membership at large/virtual and/or AI
- Design the Platform
- Extend Network & Affiliations
2018 EVENTS/Milestones/Activities
- PIDCI Parade (June 3,2018)
- Collaborated with USMedicarePh
- CAMP Launching
- Sandiwaan Learning Center
- Junior Seniors Prom 2018 (LIC, 10-13-18)
- The Coming of the Cross and the Sword (12/16/2018)
- The Nurse is IN/Operation BP (Monthly Community Outreach: Operation BP)
- Launching PCCSA's Mano Po
- Nurse Mobile/Transport Services
- Gentle Hammers incorporated
- Founders Day at Portofino Sept.12,2018
- Drifters
- AARP Pre-Summit (International) 9-20-18
- Health Fair at Sheraton (Queens Fest)
- Nurses Show Live
- Living the Science
- Nurse Nation
- The Colors of Autism
- Classes/Arts as TNO Programs
- People's Cafe (Intercultural/Intergenerational Outreach)
- Networking Groups
- Francis & Nilda Jaynal
- Fr. Ben Beltran
- TCI LPN Training
- The Nurse is IN Harlem (Community Mental Health)
- HTS/ The Colors of Autism
- Northwell Project
- HC Giving Training
- Special Projects Director
Shared Mission
- Diabetes Health and Wellness Academy
- PCCSA (Services for the Aging Immigrants)
- Divine Child Foundation
Economic & Cultural Initiatives
- Cultural Pizza May 15, 2016
- Programs for Small Businesses/Women Owned and Minority Business (WOMB)
- Business & Sustainability
Health Initiatives: Research for Evidenced Based/Living the Science
The Theory of SELF Care in the Community
The Community Approach To Health
Home Care Giving Training
Community Approach to Mental Health Program (CAMP)
Community Health Workers
Services for Aging Immigrants
AKA Wellness Circle
Breaking Through Autism:One Autistic Becomes Big Brother(Buddy Coaching System)
Home Care
AIDS Initiatives
The New Paradigm: The Culture of Health
Network Building( Collaborate with Faith-based Communities)
- AllPro/ Continental Home Care
- Dragon Talk
- MedicarePH
- Toburan (Irvi Sulit)
- Filipino School of NY-NJ
- Fil-Am Who's Who
- Joy Theriot & UN
- Film Festival
- Mayi
Extended Arts Events
- Building Bridges for Fil-Am Artists
- Dragon Gallery New York Exhibits
- Music Recording Studio
Purple Pillars Production
- The Coming of the Cross and the Sword
- Rajah Humabon and His Forty Wives
- People's Theater: ICS/ Jamaica, NY
Civic Initiatives (Dream America)
- Voters Registration
- The New Immigrants Orientation Program
Taking Care of Nurses, Taking Care of Communities
- Nurse Driven Healthcare Solutions
- Special Care Services
- Nursing Chaplaincy & Ministry
- Medical Missions
- Extended Arts
- HR Services
- Nursing Annex
- Publications
- Research
- Nurse Driven Housing Solutions
- Veterans Housing & Other Services
- Community Centers
- Community Health Centers
- Sustainability
- Events
From Ludy's Desk: A Dream Delivered
- Home Living Management Daily
- Center/ Office Management Daily
- Special Cases & Clients
- Corporate Issues
- Forever Living Products Orders (end of the month)
- Book Keeping Systems
This Month : IN and OUT of the Office (2018)
2017 in Pictures
2016 in Pictures
2015 in Pictures
2014 in Pictures
"We will make ideas work"
The Clubs:
Stress Busters
Mission: Stress-Free Living for nurses
Members: Nurses in Yoga, Life coaches, Lifestyle artists
Nurse Artists “Nurtists”
Mission: Creativity, Imagination, Focus on arts
Members: Nurses in the arts: painting, photography, literary arts, poetry
Nurse Entrepreneurs
Mission: Heart, Service, Money in order
Members: Nurses in Business
Nurses in Action (Social Activism)
Mission: Nurses in the Community
Members: legislators, social activists, leaders in nursing, human rights leaders
Nurse Philanthropists
Mission: Nurse Your Own (Building Services for Nurses)
Members: leaders, anyone willing to work for nurses’ sake
Nurse Volunteers
Mission: Promote Volunteerism in Nursing
Members: Volunteers, social workers
Nurse Entertainment Theater (Stars for Nurses)
Mission: Nurses in Spotlight
Members: entertainers, event planners, connections with rich and famous